Struggling with DXGI Error Device Removed in FIFA Online 4? Discover effective troubleshooting methods to overcome this frustrating issue in our comprehensive guide.

Are you a passionate FIFA Online 4 player who has encountered the frustrating DXGI error device removed? This error can disrupt your gaming experience and leave you wondering how to resolve it. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of DXGI error device removed in FIFA Online 4, understand its causes, and provide you with effective troubleshooting methods to overcome this issue. Let’s dive in and get back to enjoying seamless gameplay!

Understanding DXGI Error Device Removed in FIFA Online 4

DXGI error device removed is an error that occurs in FIFA Online 4, causing the game to crash or freeze unexpectedly. This error is often linked to graphics card issues and can be triggered by various factors, such as outdated drivers, power management settings, or conflicts with other software. When DXGI error device removed strikes, it can be frustrating and interrupt your gameplay, hindering your progress and enjoyment.

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Troubleshooting DXGI Error Device Removed in FIFA Online 4

To tackle DXGI error device removed in FIFA Online 4, it’s crucial to follow some troubleshooting steps. By implementing these methods, you can optimize your gaming experience and reduce the occurrence of this error. Let’s explore the recommended solutions:

1. Update your graphics card drivers

Outdated graphics card drivers can often lead to DXGI error device removed. Visit the official website of your graphics card manufacturer and download the latest drivers compatible with your system. Keeping your drivers up to date ensures optimal performance and resolves compatibility issues that may trigger the error.

2. Adjust the power management settings

Power management settings can impact the performance of your graphics card. Access the power options in your computer’s control panel and set it to “High Performance” or a similar option that prioritizes performance over power saving. This adjustment ensures that your graphics card receives sufficient power to operate smoothly during gameplay.

3. Verify the game files through the game launcher

Game files can sometimes become corrupted, leading to DXGI error device removed. Most game launchers offer a “Verify Integrity of Game Files” option, which scans and repairs any corrupted files. Open your game launcher, locate this option, and let it run to ensure the integrity of your FIFA Online 4 files.

4. Disable overclocking software

If you have overclocked your graphics card or CPU, it’s essential to disable this feature. Overclocking can increase the performance of your components but also make them more susceptible to errors and instability. Return your graphics card and CPU to their default clock speeds to resolve any conflicts that may be triggering DXGI error device removed.

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5. Lower the game’s graphical settings

Running FIFA Online 4 at high graphical settings can put a strain on your graphics card, potentially leading to DXGI error device removed. Try lowering the graphical settings in the game options to reduce the load on your graphics card. Experiment with different settings until you find a balance between visual quality and stable performance.

6. Use DirectX 12 instead of DirectX 11

FIFA Online 4 offers compatibility with both DirectX 11 and DirectX 12. If you are experiencing DXGI error device removed, try switching to DirectX 12. This alternative graphics API might resolve any conflicts or compatibility issues that could be causing the error. You can change the DirectX version within the game’s settings.

7. Consider hardware upgrades if necessary

If you consistently encounter DXGI error device removed despite trying the aforementioned solutions, it may be time to consider upgrading your hardware. FIFA Online 4 is a demanding game, and your current hardware configuration might struggle to meet its requirements. Upgrading your graphics card or adding more RAM could significantly improve performance and eliminate the error.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about DXGI Error Device Removed in FIFA Online 4

Q: What is DXGI error device removed?

A: DXGI error device removed is an error message that indicates a graphics card issue, causing FIFA Online 4 to crash or freeze unexpectedly during gameplay.

Q: Why does DXGI error device removed occur in FIFA Online 4?

A: DXGI error device removed can occur due to various reasons, including outdated graphics card drivers, power management settings, or conflicts with other software.

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Q: How can I fix DXGI error device removed in FIFA Online 4?

A: To fix DXGI error device removed, ensure your graphics card drivers are up to date, adjust power management settings, verify game files, disable overclocking software, lower graphical settings, and consider hardware upgrades if necessary.

Q: Are there any temporary workarounds for DXGI error device removed?

A: Some temporary workarounds include restarting the game, closing unnecessary background applications, and ensuring your computer is properly cooled.

Additional Tips to Prevent DXGI Error Device Removed in FIFA Online 4

To minimize the occurrence of DXGI error device removed in FIFA Online 4, consider implementing the following tips:

  1. Keep your operating system up to date to ensure compatibility with the game and the latest graphics card drivers.
  2. Ensure proper cooling of your computer components by cleaning dust and debris from fans and ensuring adequate airflow.
  3. Avoid running resource-intensive applications in the background while playing FIFA Online 4 to reduce strain on your hardware and graphics card.
  4. Optimize your computer’s performance settings by disabling unnecessary startup programs and services, freeing up system resources for the game.


DXGI error device removed in FIFA Online 4 can be a frustrating obstacle, but with the right troubleshooting methods, you can overcome it and enjoy uninterrupted gameplay. By updating your graphics card drivers, adjusting power management settings, verifying game files, and implementing other recommended solutions, you can optimize your gaming experience. Don’t let DXGI error device removed hold you back – get back in the game and experience FIFA Online 4 to its fullest potential!

Remember, if you consistently face this error, consider seeking professional assistance or contacting the game’s support team for further guidance. Stay informed about game updates and patches, as developers often release fixes to address such issues. Happy gaming!